Centek Product Service Experts

Centek Product Service ExpertsTo achieve success globally, you need the best people locally who are dedicated to enabling safer and more productive access to energy—one well at a time.


Andrew RossManaging Director VP Centek Limited andrew.ross@centekgroup.com
John CostineGlobal Director, Marketing and Product Management john.costine@centekgroup.com +1 (720) 539-9770
Chase DavisSales Manager - North America chase.davis@centekgroup.com +1 (346) 302-6056
Andy BoulcottEngineering Manager andy.boulcott@centekgroup.com
Rusydi AnuarApplications Specialist - APAC ahmad.rusydi@centekgroup.com +60 12213 5332
Marius BoncutiuApplications Specialist marius.boncutiu@centekgroup.com +40 7221 214 75
Marcel NamataApplications Specialist - SSA marcel.namata@centekgroup.com +237 677 06 06 06 or +237 655 88 45 26
Shaun MountainRegional Sales Manager - EESSA shaun.mountain@centekgroup.com +44 (0) 7757 667 873
Mahdi DaryoushSales Manager for Europe and Caspian Sea Region mahdi.daryoush@centekgroup.com +44 7874 395916‬
Stuart ForresterGeomarket Manager - MENA stuart.forrester@centekgroup.com +971 (0) 56 662 5911
Rugaya SalimRegional Sales Manager - APAC rugaya.salim@centekgroup.com +6014 3930489
Lorena HernandezRegional Sales Manager - Latin America & Mexico lorena.hernandez@centekgroup.com +57 (311) 811-1052
Gustavo WildembergRegional Sales Manager - Brazil gustavo.wildemberg@centekgroup.com +55 22 98843 0515
Sam LopezRegional Sales Manager - Northeast US Land sam.lopez@centekgroup.com +1 (304) 288-1287
Chris LeeRegional Sales Manager - Texas chris.lee@centekgroup.com +1 (432) 349-0704